Thursday, March 22, 2012

In the Clouds....

March 3rd 2012 another Saturday on the Rock, with the exception of an expansive sunset:

Anyone wishing to obtain the original just email me at
It's a 9319 by 2921 pixels at 12.5 megs. There is another element to this photograph regarding an image in the Cloud.

More to follow......

Monday, August 15, 2011


Talofa Lava,
Welcome to Island Life Samoa,

 Presenting a unique perspective from a metaphoric shipwrecked Irishman, stranded in Tutuila since June 2004. I hope that my observations will educate, via light edutainment, the casual reader about Island Life in American Samoa, without offending anyone who lives here, is from here, or is contemplating visiting here, or moving, et cetera.

  So first a bit about me, starting with a Post Office approved mugshot:

 The file properties tag remind me that this picture was taken in November of 2010, so not too dated.

 Next installment introduces my family.

 You can find me on facebook as "Karl Prendergast"
  I'm also on facebook's boring uncle LinkedIn.

  Tofa Soifua,
  For an intro to Samoan phrases try:
  Bye for Now,